American Drop-Shippers Directory
22nd Edition!

Lists hundreds of drop-shipping companies that carry thousands of products
Largest Wholesale drop-shipping directory published in U.S.
You need to carry no inventory

The American Drop Shippers Directory is a complete guide that shows you how to sell products without any cash outlay, without any merchandise investment, and without any inventory expense. The new American Drop-Shippers Directory is the most complete wholesale buying guide to U.S. drop shipment sources published today.

What is drop shipping? The drop ship method of merchandising allows anyone to sell products without first buying and stocking an inventory of those products.

You take orders and payment for items of merchandise. You then forward those orders to the supplier who will ship the item directly to your customer, under your company name. You only pay the wholesale price. Your profit is the difference between the retail and the wholesale cost of the merchandise.

Under this system, you do not have to invest any money in a stock of merchandise before it is sold. This permits you to devote all your efforts to the promotion of your business. Other advantages of this system are: no losses on products that cannot be sold, no packing and shipping expenses, no space needed to store goods.

The directory lists hundreds of suppliers across the country who are willing to drop ship their goods at low wholesale prices. The listings contained in the directory give information on the items available along with the name and address of the supplier. The suppliers listed are willing to work with small home-based companies.

Many of the items listed are unique and innovative and easy to market. The directory also contains good advice and practical information on the methods and sources of wholesale drop-shipping.

Order your copy of the American Drop-Shippers Directory today to give you the best source of suppliers on thousands of products for your business.

Orders are shipped on the same day they are received (orders received after 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time are shipped on the next day).

Review the item and if you are not completely satisfied you may return it for a period of 30 days (does not include shipping charge).

Price: US$ 15.00